Rescòntres de Zadar, octòbre 2019


Nòstre Centre PEN es estat representat per Guiu Matieu a aquel eveniment que se debanèt en Croacia a Zadar. Amor a la grèva dels trens Gui poguèt pas èsser present a nòstre acamp mas nos mandèt aquel rendut compte.


Après Arles en 2008, Haïfa en 2010, Lisbòna en 2013, Narbona en 2015 e 2018, lei sieissencs rescòntres ALEM ( (Actors de la Libertat d’Expression en Euròpa e Mediterranèa)  se debanèron a Zadar, ciutat universitària de Dalmacia, dau 10 au 13 d’octòbre 2019. Leis organizators n’èran aqueste còp lo PEN croate, en collaboracion amb lo PEN internacionau, l’Universitat de Zadar e sei despartiments d’Estudis Italians, Francés e Estudis Francofònes, Estudis Ispanics e Iberians. Lei comunicacions se faguèron dins lei locaus de l’universitat, ambe vista sus la mar, sos un solèu resplendisent !

Li aviá aquí de participants de Turquia, Israèl, Japon, França, Eslovenia, Croacia, Bosnia, Catalonha, Occitania, Suissa, e benlèu que n’oblide, Dins lei jornadas de divèndres e dissabte faguèron una bòna dogena de comunicacions sus lo tèma d’aquestei rescòntres : « Lei vòtz dei migrants, unitat e diversitat mediterranenca. » E d’aquò se ne faguèt un comunicat de pressa.





Zadar, 10th -13th  October 2019



We protest against the concept of the “illegal” migrant. Somebody is not illegal just for the fact that (s)he migrates due to dire straits in her/his county. The quest for better life is not illegal.


PEN demands response to S.O.S! We appeal to European governments to respect the Law of the Sea in the Mediterranean.

We protest against the “criminalization” of NGOs and other civic organizations and individuals who help migrants whose lives are in danger.


Humans are not commodity.

Conflict as the common outcome of ostentatious capitalism and political propaganda monopolizing cultural and intellectual production, hampers the survival of humanistic values that had been developed in the long history of the Mediterranean culture.


We think that is essential – having in mind the actual migratory crisis – to point to the problem of different educational levels, and different scholarly systems and socio-cultural backgrounds that come into contact in the process of contemporary migrations.

It is also our intention to point to the complexity of understanding and interpreting historical narration because history should reflect plurality of voices.

Our intention is to promote educational change based on cultural open mindedness and on developing critical thinking abilities.


We oppose the paradox of protecting free trade while current policies make travelling freely for people more and more difficult. Exchanging experiences in real human encounter, not only virtually, is important for free circulation of ideas.



Lo dijòus, lo 10, l’acuelh dei participants se finiguèt en serada per un recitau de cançons, e lo darrier ser, lo 12, lei poètas presents clamèron o legiguèron quauqueis uns de sei poèmas, dins la lenga originala e dins una traduccion en anglés o en  francés. Pau Sancher Ferrer, lo catalan d’aquestei rescòntres, e que saup lo croate per aguer ensenhat quauqueis annadas lo catalan a l’universitat de Zadar faguèt un duo bilingue amb un poèta croate, cadun legissènt l’autre en traduccion. Una jove israeliana nos diguèt son admiracion per la Comtessa de Dia. !!! De qué pantaiar….


Per aquelei que vòlon descubrir en francés la poesia croata de l’ora d’ara mencionarai leis edicions de l’Ollave qu’an una colleccion  Domaine croate/poésie, que li podretz descubrir, demieg quauqueis autrei, doas dei mestressas d’òbras d’aquestei rescontres : Vanda Mikšić e Sibila Petlevski

Finirai per una remarca encoratjanta per l’avenir d’aquestei rescòntres: a vista de nas, una bòna part deis intervenents avián pas 40 ans ! Una joinessa que pasmens desfauta a nòstre PEN occitan !





Zadar, 10th -13th  October 2019



We protest against the concept of the “illegal” migrant. Somebody is not illegal just for the fact that (s)he migrates due to dire straits in her/his county. The quest for better life is not illegal.

Many Mediterranean countries have been undergoing traumatic transition characterized by massive displacement of people connected to various forms of intolerance, racism, violence, abuse and social exclusion under the guise of protecting the national and ideological homogeneity.

Everybody has right to seek shelter from the war. Illegality is not inherent - it is imposed upon.

We are all descendants of people who have migrated from one space to another. Mediterranean region has been historically based on migratory relations and it remains to be so.  The heritage of the Mediterranean culture is in the concept of the Encounter with the Other, where crossing the geographical boundaries also implies opening the space for dialogue.


PEN demands response to S.O.S! We appeal to European governments to respect the Law of the Sea in the Mediterranean.

We protest against the “criminalization” of NGOs and other civic organizations and individuals who help migrants whose lives are in danger.

According to the International Maritime Law the shipmaster has an obligation to render assistance to those in distress at sea without regard to their nationality, status or the circumstances in which they are found. This is a longstanding maritime tradition as well as an obligation enshrined in international law. Compliance with this obligation is essential to preserve the integrity of maritime search and rescue services.


Humans are not commodity.

Conflict as the common outcome of ostentatious capitalism and political propaganda monopolizing cultural and intellectual production, hampers the survival of humanistic values that had been developed in the long history of the Mediterranean culture.

The problem of globalist centralization is hidden behind the migratory problem that has been to a large degree artificially produced. We want to point to neoliberal economic hyper-centralization and hyper-control that finds its way to the web as a supposedly free space of communication.

Rousseau's thought - "Man is born free and everywhere is in chains” – gains new aspects of relevance in a time of rapid technological development mismatched with new forms of economical enslavement in our time decreasing social mobility; vulgar corporatism, corruption, greed, and institutionalized deception of post-truth political and social environments lead by the top 1% or the financial power elite.


We think that is essential – having in mind the actual migratory crisis – to point to the problem of different educational levels, and different scholarly systems and socio-cultural backgrounds that come into contact in the process of contemporary migrations.

It is also our intention to point to the complexity of understanding and interpreting historical narration because history should reflect plurality of voices.

Our intention is to promote educational change based on cultural open mindedness and on developing critical thinking abilities.

Although functioning as a global and dynamic network of interrelated forces, our contemporary World is endangered by new tendencies of extreme nationalism, xenophobia and intolerance. „Human geographies“ connected to the Mediterranean coastal cities, and diverse „linguistic landscapes“ of the Mediterranean region in the history  – make the topic that is valuable in the current debates on national languages, the regional languages and dialects, but also debates on migrant languages that have collectively marked the public space of the Mediterranean as it used to be and as it is today.

Concerning the aforementioned we will take concrete actions, and intensify the already established PEN projects:

We will take concrete actions for transmitting skills of critical thinking through a range of “open educational” classes, thematic writing classes, translating workshops both for the local population and for the migrants.

We will contact policy makers and various initiatives to get more funding for different voices (e.g. Euromed Initiative) and for establishing safe spaces of free artistic expression. The aim will be in showing the importance of getting to know “the Other” through direct contact and dialogue.

We will work on producing a bibliography of books about the contemporary, as well as  historical migrants’ experiences, with special emphasis on testimonial literature, using the already established basis of The International City of Refuge Network (ICORN) that has long been one of PEN International's most important partners.


We oppose the paradox of protecting free trade while current policies make travelling freely for people more and more difficult. Exchanging experiences in real human encounter, not only virtually, is important for free circulation of ideas.

The Mediterranean region has been and remained to be intellectually productive space.

The times we live in now are characterized by the collapse of global security in Europe. However, we can get into grips with the global crisis characterized by the fear of the Other by changing the concept of «we versus them» with the open, non-inclusive, dialogical dynamics of «you and me» that has already proved as possible in the historical context of cultural exchange and the flow of the written word in the Mediterranean region.




PEN-CLUB DE LENGA D’OC :  PER DUBRIR LO TALH : dicha inaugurala de Rotland Pecout  per l'acamp de Decembre 2008. 

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